The Social Blog and Arrow Icons

Archive for June, 2014

12 Questions to Answer BEFORE Your Web Development Team Gets to Work

Creating a new website involves a ton of planning, design, language and coordination in order to work. That’s why you hire a professional web development team to put your new site together. That being said, you can really help the process along by answering some questions before the design process starts: 1 – What is the […]

Aiming for the Right Goals in Your Social Media Strategy

So, you are either starting a new social media campaign or revamping stagnate or otherwise unprofitable social media pages… you have a lot coming your way. Considering that this whole social media thing revolves around marketing, to some extent, you’ll want to set goals for your various social manifestations (be they Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram […]

3 Reasons NOT to Link Your Social Media Accounts

The internet operates with more social media sites than most people could probably identify. Many of these, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube have the ability to “link” so that anything that you post to one, will also post to the others. But – that can land you in some trouble. Seriously. I mean, imagine […]

Why You Should Upload Photos & Video to Social Media & Blogs

Today’s post will be short and simple. Here are three reasons that you should take photos and videos around your restaurant, office or construction site (safely, of course) with your phone and upload to social media and your blog regularly:   Increases Session Duration Session duration is the time that a fan or website visitor spends on […]