The Social Blog and Arrow Icons

Media Monday: Blue Monk #1 Beer Restaurant in NYS

Not in Erie county… not in WNY… The Blue Monk was voted the best restaurant for beer enthusiasts in the entire state of New York. Check out the Buffalo News article, which points out that this was not some marketing ploy or a random magazine, but they received the honor from’s Joseph Tucker commented to say that the main appeal for a beer drinker is “selection, selection, selection.” That’s true… which is why we’ve promoted that aspect of The Blue Monk since we began marketing for them.

So, we are happy for our client and we are happy to say that social media works to bring beer to the masses. If your business has something special that your competition lacks or doesn’t do as well at… make sure that the whole of the internet knows. When you promote through social media, you encourage others to spread the word and you get honors like this.

Awards and honors matter a lot. So, congrats to The Blue Monk… let’s see what we can do next!

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