If you read this blog at all, you know my affinity for SEO. That’s what I do on a daily basis. But, the truth is that SEO can’t do everything. Where it fails, however, paid ads (PPC, social media ads, etc.) can fill in. Here are a few things that PPC can do, but that SEO either […]
Aside from the nutrient content of their food and the fact that they’ve advertised with an annoying and incredibly discomforting clown for decades, McDonald’s has managed to become the premier cheap, quick burger chain in the world. They even managed to snag a mention in Pulp Fiction: However, along with not only maintaining the unnerving […]
Search engine optimization is a tricky thing to tackle. You might find some college courses centered around it, I don’t know. I can pretty much guarantee that no college will grant a degree in it, which means that no “scholarly” work has been done in it. Therefore, you’ll find plenty of sources that offer SEO […]
Today’s blog post is simple – take photos as often as possible around your office, restaurant or whatever. Most of us have phones that can easily take photos, so it’s not a chore to snap a photo every once in a while. We got this shot on Friday: People like photos, because they don’t […]
I was trying to think of a metaphor with which to compare SEO “trends” in this post, and I figured that the ocean tide is probably the best example. Tides come in and out on a scheduled basis due to the water’s reaction to gravitational forces. SEO “trends” go in and out (on a much […]