The Social Blog and Arrow Icons

Wednesday “Wisdom” – Use Google, Period (Part 2)

Alright… While I definitely have more search examples to show that Google kicks Bing to the curb (usually), I’d rather not bore anyone with more statistics, etc. that you saw in Part 1. Instead, for Part 2, I want to discuss the complications for developers and, especially, SEOs who have to figure various search engines […]

Wednesday “Wisdom” – Use Google, Period (Part 1)

Use Google. Not Bing / Yahoo. Not Alta Vista. Just use Google. I know that for the SEOs reading, and maybe those of you who have seen the ridiculous Bing TV ads will wonder how I could have either the authority or the audacity to suggest that all other search engines are useless. However… I […]

Two Topic Tuesday – The Feed & “Like Farming”

First of all – welcome to Two Topic Tuesday, where we take a short look at two news topics related to social media, marketing, design or search engines. Today, we’ll take a look at The Feed and “Like Farming.” The Feed Mashable posted this article about The Feed’s influence on our ability to consume information. […]

5 Concepts for a Google-Friendly New Year

Business owners who have had websites for long enough have usually heard of SEO. Chances are, they’ve hired people to optimize their website for Google, etc., and this may or may not have worked. Search Engine Optimization is a fluid practice, constantly changing (sometimes majorly, sometimes slightly). So, if you think the keyword meta tag […]