The Social Blog and Arrow Icons

What is the Value of My Website?

As a marketer or a business owner, people are probably trying to sell you website upgrades and enhancement services all the time. It’s likely that you’re spending more and more on your site every year, and seeing the ROI from those costs can sometimes be difficult. At The Mac Groups. we think that you should fully […]

Can The Physical-World Guide Web Design?

Architecture, sculpture, fashion, painting, furniture and food: all things that exist in the physical, non-digital world. They affect us on a daily basis, especially as some of us work in industries that manufacture or create these various forms of art and technology. Similarly, the designs that we encounter on the internet affect our lives – […]

12 Questions to Answer BEFORE Your Web Development Team Gets to Work

Creating a new website involves a ton of planning, design, language and coordination in order to work. That’s why you hire a professional web development team to put your new site together. That being said, you can really help the process along by answering some questions before the design process starts: 1 – What is the […]

“The Future of Marketing” = Useless Phraseology

Everyone is a prophet in the digital marketing world, especially amongst bloggers. Whether or not these prophets end up as false prophets comes down to either luck or the self-evidence of their predictions. I just read an article on a blog that I usually like. But, today’s post was just too obvious (for the vast majority). Because […]

Some Advice… Hit Up

Everyone uses the internet and plenty of everyday, average, non-computer-science-type people offer websites for their business, personal blogs or whatever else. Sadly, though, many of us don’t know what’s going on in the world of web design. User experience, interface and aesthetics are literally advanced every day. Thankfully, realizes how many daily innovations happen […]