The Social Blog and Arrow Icons

Posts Tagged ‘Social Media Marketing’

Why Don’t I Get Any Social Media Engagement for My Business?

You’re on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. You have followers, fans, connections and subscribers but no one seems interested in your posts. What’s more? You’ve invested time, manpower and money on having employees or yourself update profiles and monitor social networks, yet you have seen little to no return on investment. So, you’re asking why you […]

Aiming for the Right Goals in Your Social Media Strategy

So, you are either starting a new social media campaign or revamping stagnate or otherwise unprofitable social media pages… you have a lot coming your way. Considering that this whole social media thing revolves around marketing, to some extent, you’ll want to set goals for your various social manifestations (be they Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram […]

What McDonald’s Did Wrong

Aside from the nutrient content of their food and the fact that they’ve advertised with an annoying and incredibly discomforting clown for decades, McDonald’s has managed to become the premier cheap, quick burger chain in the world. They even managed to snag a mention in Pulp Fiction: However, along with not only maintaining the unnerving […]

Social Media Tip – Snap Photos Often

Today’s blog post is simple – take photos as often as possible around your office, restaurant or whatever. Most of us have phones that can easily take photos, so it’s not a chore to snap a photo every once in a while. We got this shot on Friday:   People like photos, because they don’t […]

Some #Hashtag Rules You’ll Want to Follow

We did a Twitter post yesterday and I wanted to follow up today with some tips specifically regarding hashtags.   What is a Hashtag? If you’re at all new to Twitter, then this is a legitimate question. A hashtag is a word or collection of words with a “#” in front, creating an automatic link […]